Dancer for the performance by William Sánchez H.

Text presentation from SZENE 2WEI
The first part of the KALA trilogy, the contemporary dance piece TARUN, engages with the concept of normality - and, in accordance with the name KALA (Sanskrit for „time“), it puts time at the center of its observation.
Normality is bound to paradoxes. It can preserve and hurt, it is protection and judge, incentive and constraint simultaneously - and though seemingly active, it nevertheless remains passive always: a neutral depiction of time, as defined by people and dependent on external circumstances.
To understand normality one has to understand people. The understanding of people is inextricably linked to the time in which they live. Social aspects, religions, traditions and politics influence us, our attitude towards ourselves, our understanding of the world – and it follows our idea of normality.
In TARUN (Sanskrit for „timeless“), SZENE 2WEI questions normality with special attention to inclusive aspects, hereby opening doors to a world in which it is normal to differ.

Choreographer & Artistic Director
William Sánchez H.
Anne-Hélène Kotoujansky, Fuuko Shimazaki, Jörg Beese, Leonie Howar, Manuela Aranguibel Molano, Matthieu Bergmiller, Ricarda Noetzel, Timo Gmeiner
Karl Degenhardt, Fabian Neubauer
Liam Sanher & Anita Brütsch
Anita Brütsch
Natalie Stark
Video & Foto
Paul Meuth, Christine Breuer, Georg Schreiber
Assistant & Workshops
Micaela Kühn Jara
Editorial Work
Kristina van Kempen
Graphic Design
Pavlina Boneva
Stage Management
Mercè Mayor
Pedagogic & Artistic Director
Timo Gmeiner

More infos: https://szene2wei.de/en/productions/tarun 

4th November 2016, Stadthalle Lahr

9th and 10th December 2016, Maschinenhaus Essen
14th July 2017, ausSICHT Festival, Monsun Theater, Hamburg
17th January 2018, Kulturzentrum Franz K., Reutlingen

© Paul Meuth

© Timo Gmeiner

© Paul Meuth

Some impressions of the touring