Dancer for the performance by William Sánchez H.
© Simon Wachter
Text presentation from SZENE 2WEI
Future and nature – how do both fit together? The contemporary dance piece WANDERLUST? poses exactly this question. What does the future of nature, the nature of the future look like? The third and last part of the KALA trilogy attempts to bridge between past, present and future. Whether it is global warming, natural disasters or the problematic disposal of nuclear waste – the wish to surpass one’s own limits has led humanity to create monsters that only now become visible and palpable. The elements have lost their balance. But how to deal with this? How to become one again with a nature from which we already seem to have largely alienated ourselves? WANDERLUST? plays with future predictions and produces visions. It asks questions and looks for answers. This piece is an invitation as much as it is an incitement. To face the monsters, develop ideas and first and foremost to never lose one’s wanderlust
Choreographer & Artistic Director
William Sánchez H.
Anne-Hélène Kotoujansky, Eiji Takeda, Fuuko Shimazaki, Jörg Beese, Matthieu Bergmiller, Mukdanin Phongpachith, Ricarda Noetzel
Music & Composition
Tim Bücher
Costume, Scenography & Light
Clément Debras
Editorial Work
Kristina van Kempen
Video & Photo
Paul Meuth, Simon Wachter, Georg Schreiber
Didier Vergel
Stage Management
Mercè Mayor
Production Management, Pedagogic & Artistic Director
Timo Gmeiner
More Infos: https://szene2wei.de/en/productions/wanderlust
22nd October 2018, Theater Die Tonne, Reutlingen
29th September 2018, Pina Bausch Theater, Essen
9th November 2018, Pfefferberg Theater, Berlin
7th December 2018, Monsun Theater, Hamburg
12th March 2019, Theaterhaus, Stuttgart
6th August 2019, Site Specific, Kultursommer Festival, Lahr
29th September 2019, Site Specific, Europäisches Forum am Rhein, Neuried
4th October 2019, RüBühne, Essen
11th October 2019 (extract), Kiss Jubiläum, Stuttgart
23rd November 2019, Europäisches Forum am Rhein, Neuried
6th Februar 2020, Bürgerscheune, Saerbeck
4th November 2021 (extract) Jubiläum Heidehof Stiftung, Musikhaus, Ludwigsburg
26th April 2022, Festival 6 Tage frei, FITZ, Stuttgart
WANDERLUST? - Trailer from SZENE 2WEI on Vimeo.
All the photos © Simon Wachter
Toi Toi Toi Cards made in the dark room, with photo paper: